Crochet Bodysuit-Short Jacket uk

Crochet bodysuit-short jacket uk, a free crochet pattern for a 0-3 month baby, made in uk double knitting yarn on a 4.00mm crochet hook.

bodysuit and short jacket

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bodysuit and short jacket


Crochet Bodysuit-Short Jacket uk

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UK Format

WS.     Wrong Side

RS.      Right Side
ch.       Chain
dc.       Double Crochet
tr.        Treble Crochet
rpt.      Repeat
ss.        Slip Stitch
yrh.     Yarn round Hook

DNT.  Do not Turn

Inc.    Increase
Dec.   Decrease
Pull up loop from next 2 stitches, yrh and pull through all loops

cl. Cluster Stitch
yrh insert into st, pull up loop, (three times) yrh draw through 6 loops on hook, yrh draw through 2 loops on hook

cl group (2cl, 1ch, 2cl) into same space or stitch.

Base of ch. Work into first stitch

3ch counts as first tr

Size to fit approx:  16 Inch Chest, 0-3 month baby


120 grams of King Cole big value baby DK Yarn in White Colour 1
40 grams of King Cole big value baby DK Yarn in Yellow Colour 2
4.00mm crochet hook
8 small buttons

TENSION – 4tr and 2.5 rows measures approx 1 Inch

Bodysuit – # (Worked in one piece, starting with yoke).
Using colour 1 make 55ch, (RS) 1tr into 4th ch from hook, 1tr into the next 6ch’s (Back), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into next 8ch’s (shoulder), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into the next 17ch’s (Front), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into the next 8ch’s. (shoulder), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into the next 8ch’s (Back). Turn. (60tr + 3ch)

2nd Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, * 1tr into each tr to next 3tr group, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into centre tr of 3tr group, * rpt from * to * to last 3tr group, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into centre tr of 3tr group, 1tr into each tr to end, work 1tr into top of 3ch. Turn. (68tr + 3ch)

3rd to 8th Row – rpt 2nd Row. Turn. (116tr + 3ch) #

9th Row – (Inc & Divide for Armholes) – Make 3ch, 1tr in next tr, * 2tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr,* rpt from * to * to centre tr of the first 3tr group, 2tr into centre tr, miss next 24tr, (armhole) 1tr into centre tr of next 3tr group, rpt from * to * to centre tr of next 3tr group, miss next 24tr, (armhole) rpt from * to * to end, 1tr into top of 3ch, Turn. (101tr + 3ch)

Commence Body – Make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * miss 1tr, (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into next tr, miss 1tr, 1dc into next tr, * rpt from * to * to last 4tr and 3ch, miss 1tr, (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into next dc, miss 1dc, dec 1dc (see abbrev) over last tr and 3ch. Turn. (25cl, groups) [see abbrev for cl stitch]

Pattern Row 1 – 3ch, * (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into 1ch space of next cl group, 1tr into dc, * rpt from * to * to end. Turn.

Pattern Row 2 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into 1ch space of next cl group, 1dc into tr, * rpt from * to * to end, working last dc into top of 3ch. Turn.

Rpt Pattern Rows 1 & 2 until 11 rows have been worked from yoke or work measures approx 9.5 Inches from shoulder.

Work Pattern Row 1. Turn.

Divide for Legs
First Leg – Work Pattern Row 2 across 12, cl groups, miss tr, 1dc into 1ch space of next cl group, ss to first dc on beginning of row to make a round. Turn leaving remaining stitches un-worked (will come back to for second leg). (12cl groups)

Row Two – 3ch, miss 1dc, work * (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into 1ch space of next cl group, 1tr into dc, * rpt from * to * to last dc, miss last dc, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn.

Row Three – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into 1ch space of next cl group, 1dc into tr, * rpt from * to * to last cl group, work (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into last cl group, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn.

Row Four – 3ch, * (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into 1ch space of next cl group, 1tr into dc, * rpt from * to * to last cl group, work (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into last cl group, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn.

Leg measures approx 2 Inches. (you can adjust leg length here if you wish, by working more or less rows)

Row 5 – 3ch, * 2tr into next 1ch space, 1tr into tr, * rpt from * to * to last 1ch space, 2tr into 1ch space, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn. (35tr + 3ch)

Row 6 – (Dec) 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each of next 6tr, * dec 1dc over next 2tr, 1dc into each of next 7tr, * rpt from * to * to last 2tr, dec 1dc over last 2tr, ss to first dc on beginning of row. (32dc)

Row 7 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc to end, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Fasten off.

Second Leg – Return to un-worked stitches at division and rejoin yarn to same cl group as first leg, 1ch, 1dc into same space, miss 1tr, * (1cl, 1ch, 1cl) into 1ch space of next cl group, 1dc into tr, * rpt from * to * to end, working last dc into top of 3ch, ss to first dc on beginning of row to make the round. Turn. (12cl groups)

Continue second leg same as first from Row Two. Fasten off

Button/Buttonhole Bands – (Instructions are given a for girl, swap sides for a boy)
With WS facing rejoin yarn to left hand side of back edge, (top of leg) make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 37 more dc evenly into row ends to neck edge, 3dc into corner, 1dc into each of the starting ch around neck, 3dc into corner, 38dc evenly into row ends down second back edge. Turn.

Buttonhole Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into next dc, * make 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 5dc, * rpt from * to * 5 more times, make 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc. Turn. (7 buttonholes made)

Next Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each 2ch space and dc to end. Fasten off.

Return to first back edge and starting from corner and working from neck downwards, with RS facing work 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc to end. Turn.

Starting with 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch work 1 more row in dc. Fasten off.

Chain Tie x 2 – Using colour 2, make 75ch. Fasten off.

Finishing – Weave in any loose ends of yarn, attach buttons to correspond with buttonholes, working from back round to the front and securing chain ends to WS of body suit, thread chain ties through alternate tr’s under armholes and make a bow.

Short Jacket – Using colour 2 rpt from # to # on bodysuit.

9th Row – rpt 2nd Row on bodysuit. Turn. (124tr + 3ch)

10th Row(Divide for Armholes) – Make 3ch, 1tr into each tr to centre tr of the first 3tr group, 2tr into centre tr, make 1ch, miss next 26tr, (armhole) 2tr into centre tr of next 3tr group, 1tr into each tr to centre tr of next 3tr group, 2tr into tr, make 1ch, miss next 26tr, (armhole) 1tr into each tr to end, 1tr into top of 3ch, Turn. DNT. (76tr, 2, 1ch spaces + 3ch)

Button/Buttonhole Bands – Working along first front edge, make 1ch, work 20dc evenly into row ends to corner, 3dc into corner, 1dc into each of the starting ch around neck to next corner, 1dc into corner, make 2ch, (buttonhole) work 20dc evenly into row ends down second front edge to end. Turn.

Next Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into dc and 2ch space (up first front, around neck and down second front), working 3dc into corners. Fasten off.

Finishing – Weave in any loose ends, attach button to correspond with buttonhole.

Hope you enjoy this free crochet baby pattern for a crochet bodysuit-short jacket uk, don’t forget to pin!

Happy crocheting

All pattern sizing, yarn weights, gauges etc are approximate. Every effort is made to ensure this crochet bodysuit-short jacket uk pattern is correct, but I am only human so mistakes may be made, if you find one please let me know.

The written instructions and pictures for this crochet bodysuit-short jacket
uk pattern
are copyrighted to justcrochet © 2017

Please do not re-post any of the text or pictures from this crochet bodysuit-short jacket uk on other websites or use any as your own. If you do make and sell the finished items from this crochet bodysuit-short jacket uk pattern, please give credit to justcrochet as the designer and put a link back to this website.Save






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